Task service

Task service provides a model for tasks, queues, and work assignment.

Client roles

client urn:ads:platform:task-service

name description
task-admin Administrator role for task service. This role allows a user to read, updated, and assign tasks.
task-writer Writer role for task service. This role allows a user to update tasks.
task-reader Reader role for task service. This role allows a user to access tasks across queues.

User access is primary controlled via configuration on each queue with workerRoles and assignerRoles representing: the roles that grant permission to assign and prioritize tasks; and roles that grant permission to self-assign, start, and complete tasks.



Queue represents a particular work unit with roles for works and assigners and a ordered stream of tasks. Tasks default to first in-first out order and tasks with a higher priority are promoted to the front. Queues are configured in the configuration service under the platform:task-service namespace and name.


Task represents a unit of work in a queue. Each task has basic name and description as well as a priority. Tasks have a basic lifecycle of: Pending -> In Progress -> Stopped (optional) -> Completed or Cancelled.


Tasks are assigned to people for completion. Each task can be assigned to one person at a time (sole responsibility). Workers can self-assign tasks and assigners can assign tasks to others.

Code examples

Configure a queue

Queues are configured using the configuration service. Note that new configuration may take up to 15 mins to apply.

  const configurationServiceUrl = 'https://configuration-service.adsp.alberta.ca';

  const namespace = 'my-service';
  const name = 'intake-submissions';
  const request = {
    operation: 'UPDATE',
    update: {
      queues: {
        [`${namespace}:${name}`]: {
          context: {},
          assignerRoles: ['intake-supervisors'],
          workerRoles: ['intake-assessors'],

  await fetch(
      method: 'PATCH',
      headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      body: JSON.stringify(request),

Create and queue a task

  const namespace = 'support';
  const name = 'intake-processing';
  const task = {
    name: 'process-application-123',
    description: 'Process Application 123',
    priority: 'Normal',
    recordId: 'f669be59-bd38-4ca4-8749-19248060fc63',

  await fetch(
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify(task),

Get queued tasks

Tasks are returned in order with highest priority tasks first and, within each priority, oldest tasks first.

  const namespace = 'support';
  const name = 'intake-processing';
  const top = 20;

  await fetch(
      method: 'GET',
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

Assign a task

Tasks can be assigned by users with one of the assigner roles for the queue or self-assigned by users with one of the worker roles.

  const taskServiceUrl = 'https://task-service.adsp.alberta.ca';
  const taskId = 'b7aba911-7bd9-485e-b0e9-416506f025d9';
  const namespace = 'support';
  const name = 'intake-processing';
  const request = {
    operation: 'assign',
    assignTo: {
      id: 'ed2243ed-948a-4f84-a785-c9cf2d5f355e',
      email: 'a.n.other@gov.ab.ca',
      name: 'A. N. Other',

  await fetch(
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify(request),