Push service

Push service provides push mode gateway to events emitted in the event service. It supports server side events and web sockets via socket.io.

Note that the web socket and socket.io endpoints are not part of the RESTful API and are not included in the Open API documentation for the service.

Client roles

client urn:ads:platform:push-service

name description
stream-listener Stream listener role for push service. This role is used to allow an account to subscribe to any stream.

User access is primary controlled via configuration on each stream with subscriberRoles representing the roles that grant read permission.



Stream represents a collection of domain events that can be subscribed to through the gateway. Streams can optionally include projections for the events, so that only a subset of the payload is provided to the subscribing clients. Streams are configured in the configuration service under the platform:push-service namespace and name.

Code examples

Configure a stream

Streams are configured using the configuration service.

  const configurationServiceUrl = 'https://configuration-service.adsp.alberta.ca';
  const request = {
    operation: 'UPDATE',
    update: {
      'application-health': {
        id: 'application-health',
        name: 'Application Health',
        description: 'Includes events indicating application health.',
        publicSubscribe: true,
        subscriberRoles: [],
        events: [
            namespace: 'status-service',
            name: 'health-check-started',
            map: {
              // Optional configuration of the projection of the event.
            criteria: {
              // Optional criteria for events included in the stream.

  await fetch(
      method: 'PATCH',
      headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      body: JSON.stringify(request),

Connect to a stream via server side events

Server side event with Authorization header may require a polyfill. Alternatively, use a token query parameter to provide the access token.

  const eventSource = new EventSource(
      headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` }
  eventSource.onmessage = function(e) {
    // on message
  eventSource.onerror = function(err) {
    // on error

Connect to a stream via socket.io

Socket.io connections use namespaces for tenancy. Each connection is made to a specific tenant.

  import { io } from 'socket.io-client';
  const socket = io(
      withCredentials: true,
      extraHeaders: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

  socket.on(`${eventNamespace}:${eventName}`, (event) => {
    // Handle the event.