Getting started

Project structure

ADSP repository is a monorepo using Nx.

├── .compose
├── .openshift
└── apps
    ├── api-docs-app
    └── ...
├── docs
└── libs
    ├── adsp-service-sdk
    └── core-common
└── tests
└── tools

Specific deployable frontend applications and backend services can be found under the apps folder and libraries of common modules can be found under the libs folder. The .compose and .openshift folders contain deployment manifests for docker compose and OpenShift. The tests folder contains artillery load test scenarios, the tools folder contains workspace templates, and the docs folder contains GitHub Pages content including this guide.

Building sub-projects

The monorepo uses a common package.json across all sub-projects. Start by installing the dependencies including development dependencies.

npm i -D

Build (or run other targets) against specific sub-projects using:

npx nx build api-docs-app
npx nx test api-docs-app --code-coverage

Build sub-projects affected by current changes using the nx affected commands like:

npx nx affected --target build

Configuring local environment

Backend services make use of the dotenv library and local environment can be configured by creating a .env file under the sub-project root folder.

Frontend applications retrieve configuration as a json document from the server. Locally this can be handled via the webpack development server proxy configuration. Refer to the proxy.conf.json file under the sub-project.

Running in Docker compose

Manifests for running the services in docker compose can be found under the .compose folder. They are split across multiple files so that a subset of services can be run.

The backend services use a common base docker container image that includes npm dependencies to streamline local workflow. Build the base service in .compose/docker-compose.infra.yml to create this base image.

docker-compose build base -f .compose/docker-compose.infra.yml

Run a set of components using:

docker-compose up -f .compose/docker-compose.infra.yml -f .compose/docker-compose.value.yml -f .compose/docker-compose.event.yml