Dear {{data.applicant.firstName}} {{data.applicant.middleName}} {{data.applicant.lastName}}

A search based on all the name(s) and birthdate(s) submitted has indicated that there is an Intervention Services record in Alberta, British Columbia and England, indicating that you might have caused a child to need intervention. This search was conducted from identification and information provided by the applicant.

Note: Alberta Children’s Services Ministry cannot ensure that the information on this form is reliable for screening an applicant for employment. The Ministry assumes no liability arising from using this information. Anyone using the information does so at their own risk and must consider all the information provided for organizations and for job seekers [direct to link:]. In addition, all identifications provided by the applicant have been permanantly deleted.

Reason for requesting an IRC
{{data.reason}} {{#each data.position}} {{/each}}
Organization Position
{{this.organization}} {{this.position}}
{{#each data.history}} {{/each}}
Summary of your involvement up to today.
{{#each this.content}}



I {{}} state that the results of this Intervetion Record Check is true to the best of my knowlege.

Yours truely,


Intervention Record Check Unit

Alberta Children’s Services

Calgary, Alberta, Regional Office

Email Address:

Phone Number: 403-297-6100